2014 - 2016

an archive of beautiful memories is an interactive audio installation exhibited in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, NS from August 2014-2016.

The project was developed in response to memoirs written by students in Introduction to Visual Culture at NSCAD University in 2011. Following a series of lectures on Elaine Scarry’s Tanner Lectures on Human Values, On Beauty and Being Just (1998), students were invited to compose a memoir based on a memory of something beautiful. Twenty-two memoirs were recorded & stationed throughout the park, accessible through QR codes. In response, jeweler & designer Rebecca Hannon created a series of porcelain forms. These beautiful sculptures were also exhibited in the park for the duration of the installation. I am grateful to my students, and the City of Halifax for supporting the realization of this project. An Archive of Beautiful Memories was generously funded through the HRM Open Projects Program.